General ordering terms
  1. As a rule a fulfilment of an order lasts up to 10 working days from the moment of a written acceptance of the sample (excluding days necessary for shipment).
  2. EPUS does not bear responsibility for not meeting a deadline of an order resulting from strikes, abnormal weather conditions, lack of raw materials at the supplier or lack of spare parts at the machine manufacturers and from other reasons independent from the contractor.
  3. Customer can withdraw from an order in writing within 2 working days from the date of placing it. Resigning from an order after this period does not exempt the customer from settling a payment.
  4. For each new Jacquard design a woven sample in the form of a piece of a ribbon is prepared by default which is then submitted to the customer for approval.
  5. In case a customer decides to place an order without making the sample in advance, EPUS does not bear liability for any possible discrepancies in the appearance of the final product against its initial preview in the form of graphics design.
  6. Ordering to carry out changes in the earlier accepted design may result in additional charges commensurate with the degree of modification.
  7. EPUS does not bear responsibility for the unaware acceptance of orders containing illegally used brands of other producers.
  8. Due to a specific technology of production of labels and ribbons it is allowed for a discrepancy in produced quantity against ordered quantity in the range of ±10% with regard to each design.
  9. In the process of stabilization of a Jacquard fabric comes to its slight contraction, the degree of which can vary with each design. Dimensions described in an order relate to the fabric prior to stabilization.
  10. It is allowed that graphics on a woven label is shifted against its edges in the range of up to ±1.5 mm with reference to the graphics design.
  11. EPUS is not able to guarantee 100% of constancy of yarn colours used for the production with respect to possibility of differences of yarn shades by the supplier between their consecutive deliveries.
  12. It is possible to pick up or deliver goods in batches, however the fee for the entire order will be calculated at the first receipt of goods or first delivery.
  13. EPUS does not bear liability for delays in delivery and damages resulting from improper shipping of goods.
  14. Goods not collected within 1 month from the date of fulfilment of an order is subject to disposal.
  15. Only complaints made within 10 working days from the date of receipt of goods are accepted. A basis for the claim is the return of the defective production batch in the original factory packaging.
  16. Orders should be placed in writing and should contain a seal and a legible signature of the customer. It is allowed to deliver such orders by email or by fax.
  17. All arrangements made by phone must be confirmed in writing, by email or fax. EPUS is not liable for changes regarding parameters of orders which are carried out by phone.
  18. By placing an order the customer commits himself to make a payment for the invoice value, which describes his order.

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EPUS Woven Labels © 2025